Terre-Lune depuis Mars.

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Vincent Boudon
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Inscription : 05 juil. 2008 13:36
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Terre-Lune depuis Mars.

Message par Vincent Boudon » 25 févr. 2022 23:24

Cette image de MRO, prise depuis l'orbite martienne date de 2007. Elles est superbe.

274730589_4887312231335315_7476998856167461828_n.jpg (11.26 Kio) Consulté 119 fois
Planetary Perspective... | The Earth and Moon as Seen from Mars, 142 million km away, captured by the camera aboard the Mars Orbiter built by @nasa and the @universityofarizonaThe HiRISE instrument would make a great backyard telescope for viewing Mars, and we can also use it at Mars to view other planets, such as Jupiter or in this case, Earth and it’s moon.
• This is image was acquired at 5:20 a.m. MST on 3 October 2007, at a range of 142 million kilometers, which gives the HiRISE image a scale of 142 km/pixel and an Earth diameter of about 90 pixels and a Moon diameter of 24 pixels. The phase angle is 98 degrees, which means that less than half of the disks of the Earth and Moon have direct illumination.
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration JPL/ University of Arizona.
