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A l'écoute des satellites Herschel et Planck!

Publié : 17 mai 2009 22:38
par Vincent
Un amateur radio anglais "déjà" à l'écoute des deux nouveaux satellites de l'ESA!! :o

"I managed to catch signals from the ESA satellites recently launched, not
really DX as they were close at 170,000 miles.

I've put some FFT screenshots of the received signals on like at;

The interesting thing about the transmissions was that at the time I was
receiving them, they were in the process of locking to a groundstation,
and as such you could see them sweeping up and down in frequency looking
for the uplink to phase lock to.."

Liste des satellites et sondes scientifiques de l'ESA/NASA (et autres agences!) entendu par des amateurs radios :

Bravo les gars!! :mrgreen: